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Friday, August 18, 2006

Now THAT'S informative!

my longlist (Score:5, Informative)

by senahj (461846) Alter Relationship on 7:56 Wednesday 16 August 2006 (#15916190)
Slashdot wants more characters per line Sky above 37Â375"N 122Â2222"W at Sat 2005 Jul 2 20:11 [fourmilab.ch]
Slashdot wants more characters per line ScienceDaily Magazine -- News Summaries [sciencedaily.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line BBC NEWS | Science/Nature [bbc.co.uk]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Science News Online [sciencenews.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Molecule of the Day [scienceblogs.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line The Loom [scienceblogs.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Cosmic Variance [cosmicvariance.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Scientific American news [sciam.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Sciencegate [scienceg8.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line New Scientist [newscientist.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line LiveScience [livescience.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Science And Politics [blogspot.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Chris C Mooney [scienceblogs.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line symmetry Magazine [symmetrymag.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Discover Magazine [discover.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Mathematician OTD [st-and.ac.uk]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Mars Exploration Rover Mission: Home [nasa.gov]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Home [nasa.gov]
Slashdot wants more characters per line ESA - Cassini-Huygens [esa.int]
Slashdot wants more characters per line NASA - Cassini-Huygens: Close Encounter with Saturn [nasa.gov]
Slashdot wants more characters per line HiRISE Operations Center -- HiROC [arizona.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Cassini Saturn [nasa.gov]
Slashdot wants more characters per line CICLOPS: Cassini Imaging [ciclops.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Saturn Today [saturntoday.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line HubbleSite - NewsCenter [hubblesite.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line MESSENGER Web Site [jhuapl.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Deep Impact: Your First Look Inside a Comet! [nasa.gov]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Pluto, Charon, and other Kuiper Belt Objects including, Sedna, 2003 UB313, as well as Asteroids and Comets. [plutotoday.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Nature [nature.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Pharyngula [scienceblogs.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line PhysicsWeb [physicsweb.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Not Even Wrong [columbia.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Laputan Logic [laputanlogic.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line British Medical Journal [bmj.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists [thebulletin.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Palaeontologia Electronica [palaeo-electronica.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Ecology and Society [consecol.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics: Popular Articles [calphysics.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line New Scientist Environment Report Biodiversity [newscientist.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line RedNova - Space, Science, Health, and Technology News and Information [rednova.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Scientific American [sciam.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line The Human Footprint [wcs.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line The Industrial Physicist [tipmagazine.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line NSF - OLPA Homepage [nsf.gov]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Bells Inequalities -- from Eric Weissteins World of Physics [wolfram.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line arXiv.org e-Print archive [arxiv.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Bells Inequalities -- A Simple Explaination [std.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Chemistry Comes Alive! Sample Movies [wisc.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Geologic History of Western US [nau.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Geology - RCB [nau.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line GÃdels Incompleteness Theorem [miskatonic.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line The Official String Theory Web Site [superstringtheory.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Introduction to Relativity (by Rob Salgado) [syr.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line The Atlantic January 1902 Recent Progress in Astronomy See [theatlantic.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line The Bottleneck - EO Wilson - SciAm [sciam.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line The Herefordshire LagerstÃtte - the fauna [ox.ac.uk]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Ucagizli Cave Excavations [arizona.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Atapuerca [www.ucm.es]
Slashdot wants more characters per line SciAm Web Awards 2002 [sciam.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Paleomap Project - Scotese [scotese.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Physics 2000 [colorado.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Eric Weissteins World of Mathematics [wolfram.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line History of Mathematics [st-and.ac.uk]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Britney Spears guide to Semiconductor Physics: semiconductor physics, Edge Emitting Lasers and VCSELs [britneyspears.ac]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Einstein: On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies [fourmilab.ch]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Lorentz/CPT violation [indiana.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Theory: Special Relativity [stanford.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line CFHTs Hawaiian Starlight : discover the Universe as seen from Hawaii by the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope [hawaii.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line The Tragedy of the Commons [aol.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Quantum Broom Sweeps Clean [calphysics.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line SDSS SkyServer [sdss.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line P.A.M. Dirac - kuro5hin [kuro5hin.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line gosh numbers [ebtx.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Physics applets [colorado.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line The Stanford Prison Experiment: A Simulation Study of the Psychology of Imprisonment [prisonexp.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Landuse changes warm globe [nasa.gov]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Nobel e-Museum [nobel.se]
Slashdot wants more characters per line All-Sky Milky Way Panorama [arcor-online.de]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Clay Mathematics Institute [claymath.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line National Geophysical Data Center [noaa.gov]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Neutron Star Superfluid [nasa.gov]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Fundamental Particles [particleadventure.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Sub-Atomic Particles [krysstal.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Natural History Museums [nytimes.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Grav waves course online Caltech [caltech.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Snow Crystals [caltech.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line History of Steel [uni-kiel.de]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Powers Of 10: Interactive Java Tutorial [fsu.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Playing With Time [playingwithtime.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Timeline of human evolution [bigbend.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Logarithmic timeline of universe [robotwisdom.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Mathematician OTD [st-and.ac.uk]
Slashdot wants more characters per line The Museum of Unworkable Devices [lhup.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Big Cats On-line [pipex.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Biopharm Leeches Online Website - Suppliers of Medicinal Leeches since 1812 [biopharm-leeches.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Thermoacoustic heat engines [americanscientist.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Title: The solar sail and the mirror [arxiv.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line HubbleSite - NewsCenter [hubblesite.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line South Bay Salt Pont Restoration Project [southbayrestoration.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Hominoid faces - SciAm [sciam.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Paleontology and Geology of Missouri - St Louis Missouri - Fossils [lakeneosho.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Paleogeography of the Southwestern US [nau.edu]
Slashdot wants more characters per line How do magnets work? [execpc.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line The Environmental Literacy Council [enviroliteracy.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Encyclopedia Astronautica [astronautix.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line The Chronicle of Higher Education [chronicle.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line USGS: Maps on Demand - California [usgs.gov]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Physics News Update [aip.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line An Overview of the Solar System [nineplanets.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line NASA - JPL Solar System Simulator [nasa.gov]
Slashdot wants more characters per line The Pandas Thumb [pandasthumb.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Meteorite rain in 500 Mya limestone Sweden [sciencedaily.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Trilobite Cookies [georgehart.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Homo Erectus Discovery @ National Geographic Magazine [nationalgeographic.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Paleontological resources on the Web from PE [palaeo-electronica.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line John Hawks Anthropology Weblog [johnhawks.net]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Niches :: Bewildering Inflorescences [sparkleberrysprings.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line periodic table of the elements [webelements.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Virtual Fossil Museum Fossils Across Geological Time and Evolution [fossilmuseum.net]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Cthulu : Vampyroteuthis infernalis [tolweb.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Bugasaurus [nsw.gov.au]
Slashdot wants more characters per line the only debate on Intelligent Design that is worthy of its subject [blogspot.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Seed [seedmagazine.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Olduvai George [olduvaigeorge.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Purdue findings support earlier nuclear fusion experiments [physorg.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line AMS Online Books/HMBROWDER [ams.org]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Crystal Cave in Mexico [canyonsworldwide.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Dynamics of Cats [blogspot.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Rigor Vitae: Life Unyielding [blogspot.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Cocktail Party Physics [typepad.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Jellyfish life cycle (Scyphozoa) [unsw.edu.au]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Evolutionary psychology for the Common Person [evoyage.com]
Slashdot wants more characters per line electron orbitals [shef.ac.uk]
Slashdot wants more characters per line Chemistry: WebElements Periodic Table [webelements.com]
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