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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Battles are won in the mind, eh?

by IHC Navistar (967161) Alter Relationship on 12:30 Thursday 06 November 2008 (#25657575)

Soldier 1: :::Enemy behind the wall on the left by the palm tree.:::

Soldier 2: :::Enemy behind the wall on the left by the palm tree.:::

Soldier 3: :::Enemy behind the wall on the left by the palm tree.:::

Soldier 4: :::Enemy behind the wall on the left by the palm tree. Hey, wait a minute! That reminds me, the mailman and my wife were pretty friendly last time I was home...:::

Soldier 5: :::Enemy behing the wall on the left by the palm tree:::

Soldiers 1, 2, 3: :::WTF?! Enemy behind the wall on the left by the palm tree!:::

Soldier 5: :::I'll bet he's got a package for her!:::

Soldier 4: :::What's THAT supposed to mean?:::

Soldier 6: :::Dude, your wife's bangin the mailman!:::

Soldier 5: :::HE'S GOT AN RPG!!!:::

Soldier 4: :::Dude, that's not funny!:::

Soldier 5: :::NO! THE GUY BEHIND TH-.....

Fwishhhh! BOOOOOM!

Soldiers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6: :::Oh... *That* guy.....:::

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